Second edition is currently in development. Pre-orders will be available soon for publication in Spring.
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Written by D. K. Berard – Host of HerbSpeak
(Formerly D. K. Hall)
In this book, you’ll learn everything you need to know about growing ginseng – specifically American ginseng, Panax quinquefolius – and how to care for this wonderful plant from seed to harvest.
You’ll learn about the pests and diseases you risk coming face-to-face with when growing ginseng, the potential profit your crop can earn, as well as the challenges this plant faces now and in the future due to climbing global demand and poor conservation practices.
You’ll explore a brand-new world rooted in cultural significance, modern day intrigue, and over-zealous market values.
Beyond that, you’ll learn why such a small root has earned such an honorable reputation, and what you can do to help keep this plant in our lives no matter what your motivation for growing ginseng is.
Despite being forced into the background of modern life, you may be surprised to find this root in your own backyard – but don’t go grabbing your foraging basket. There’s a lofty price to pay for those who harvest the wild plant, and we’ll cover that as well.
Your journey into the world of ginseng begins here. You will find yourself referencing this book often. Sometimes, it might be over a warm cup of tea during a relaxing, candle-lit night in. Other times, it might be with your knees in the soil, frustrated over a newly found slug population.
In this book, you’ll learn everything you need to know about ginseng and much more:
This book includes some downloadable assets. You can download these plans below and print them out for your own reference. To download, click one of the buttons below, right-click the image and click “Save As” or “Save Image.” Once the file has downloaded, locate it on your computer and print it using a printer of your choice.
Stratification Box Plans – Download
Stratification Bag Plans – Download