Houseplant Care

How to Propagate Pothos

How to Propagate Pothos

Pothos is a great beginner plant and it is easy to propagate, but many people overlook how difficult first-time propagations can be. Find the right answers and the most efficient way to propagate your houseplant in this in-depth guide.

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Venus Flytrap Care 101

Venus Flytrap Care 101

The Venus Flytrap is a common impulse buy at many grocery stores and plant nurseries, with the plant’s unique carnivorous features enthralling many children and adults alike and inspiring the creative minds of many writers and movie directors in popular culture. Unfortunately, not many people understand how to care for the Venus flytrap, leading to the plant’s early demise and an unfair reputation for being a difficult plant to care for.

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Pothos Plant Care 101

Pothos Plant Care 101

Pothos is a great beginner houseplant that is easy to care for and survives in many different home environments. While it does not flower in the typical home environment, its leafy vegetation is becoming more and more popular with houseplant hobbyists as time goes on and appreciation for the plant grows and new varieties emerge.

In this article, HerbSpeak will cover how to care for your pothos plant, answers to several common indoor gardening questions, and ideas on how to display your pothos with pride!

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