Plant Functions

How Do Ferns Reproduce?

How Do Ferns Reproduce?

Ferns have captured the imagination of many scientists’, with many aspects of these unique plants becoming a dissertation research subject. Some people have even dedicated their lives to studying the subject, always finding more questions than answers. Without diving too deep into the weeds with this subject, how exactly do ferns reproduce? Let's find out...

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The Life Cycle of a Plant Explained

The Life Cycle of a Plant Explained

It’s one thing to think about the cycle of life in terms of seasons. In northern climates, winter is a time of snow cover and cold. A few plants have specialized to live in these climates, but most begin life in the spring or summer and die (or go dormant) in the autumn. In this article, we answer how that works and dive into the life cycle of a plant.

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Do Plants Die From Old Age?

Do Plants Die From Old Age?

Among the many fascinating things to study in botany, perhaps the most interesting is the stark differences and eerie similarities that plants have to humans and other animals. In this article from HerbSpeak, you’ll learn about the lifespan of plants, and whether...

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